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Seeraga Samba

Arunai Super Green Ventures

Seeraga Samba is a native variety of rice needs no preface. The word instantaneously brings reminiscences of the modest flimsiness of biryani. Aromatic, tiny, and pricey — the rice has been gaining gigantic recognition in households and the hotel industry for its distinctive flavour-captivating properties. The rice takes its name from seeragam (cumin seeds) because of its physical likeness, both being small and ovular; samba refers to the season (typically August to January) when the rice is grown. It may be the first rice variety from Tamil Nadu to get the Geographical Indication tag.


Native rice varieties are gaining popularity among the newer generation because of their nutritional facts and health benefits than modern rice varieties. Any local variety of rice is alleged to be rich in vitamin B complex and has a lower glycemic index. Seeraga samba is a wonderful alternative to your polished rice any day, Mr. R Pitchiah, clinical nutritionist, Fortis Malar Hospital. He walks us through the nutritional benefits of this rice variety.

Rich in selenium: Selenium, which helps to put a stop to the cancer of colon and intestine. It has got more fibre, which supports to eliminate free radicals from colon and intestine.

Phytonutrients: It also has phytonutrients and this help to fight breast cancer and strengthens the heart function.

Lowers cholesterol: The oil in the seeraga samba rice reduces cholesterol. It is rich in fibre; hence, it reduces the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in the body. It’s good for people with diabetes.

Rich in fibre: Since it is rich in fibre, it controls the calories in the food and thus stops more intake of food. It also eases digestion and helps to relieve constipation.

Powerful antioxidant: While we need only small amounts of it, this rice is rich in antioxidants that protect us from heart diseases. It improves thyroid health and lowers hyperthyroidism.